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Submissions > InstructionsThe abstract submission platform is now opened:please goto https://ismp2018.u-bordeaux.fr/submission
To propose an invited session, please contact the scientific sub-committee of the related stream:
contact details are provided on https://ismp2018.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/13
Contributions:Beyond the plenary, semi-plenary and keynote invited speakers, the bulk of the scientific program consists of the attendees' contributions that are organized in the parallel sessions. These contributions can take four forms:
A submission can take the form of a 20 minute talk or a 30 minute talk. Please indicate your preferred format: 20 minutes for notes, 30 minutes for full papers. However the final decision on the format is made by the scientific committee.
Talk submission process: The abstract submission platform on https://ismp2018.u-bordeaux.fr/submission . Abstracts must be in plain text with absolutely no accent nor special characters (such as &). Latex mathematical formula are allowed, but only under the $formula$ or $$formula$$ format. The maximum abstract length is 160 words (approximately 1500 characters). Abstract titles should be 80 characters maximum. The list of authors should present the speaker as the first author: the author first name is limited to 12 characters, the last name to 16 characters. The speaker must indicate his/her institution (limited to 30 characters), and its country. Our synthetic program can accomodate no more than 3 authors (including the speaker), hence the speaker must indicate the second and third author knowing that only these two will appear in the synthetic program. Further authors can be indicated but they shall only be included in the book of abstracts. A speaker can have only one presentation. Failing to comply with the above will mean that the talk shall be excluded from the program. Moreover, the speaker should indicate his/her preferred format: 20 minutes for notes, 30 minutes for full papers. All talks, including invited presentations composing invited sessions and mini-symposia, must be recorded through the submission platform: https://ismp2018.u-bordeaux.fr/submission . Talk refereeing:Invited presentation are refereed directly by the session chair before submission, while contributed presentations are referred by the scientific committee after they avec been submitted to the platform. Submissions are accepted if they meet the following criteria:
Session / Min-Symposium submission process:The scientific commmitte is in charge of co-opting persons to organize sessions and mini-symposia. But volunteers are also welcome. Any member of the community wishing to propose an invited session may contact the scientific sub-committee of the related stream: contact details are provided onEach sub-committee shall be quite selective in building their invited program as they have a limited number of invited session slots and because they deleguate the refereeing responsability to the organizer. To allow the committee to make an informed decision, person volunteering to setup a session should provide by email to the committee the title and motivation of the session/mini-symposium along with the names of the sepakers and their tentative talk titles.
As a session or mini-symposium organizer (once invited to organize it: after your proposal is accepted or after being co-opted by the scientific committee), your job is to referee the abstracts of your speakers informally through email exchanges, and then to invite them to submit their talks on the submission platform. Once this is done, the organizer should inform the scientific committee that they can now define the session by gathering the talks on the editorial platform. Please remind them of the session title, along with the speakers and their talk titles.
If your invited session proposal was not accepted in the invited session list, it can however be submitted as contributed talks. So please encourage your speakers to submit their talk through the normal refereeing process.
Note that: