
Submissions > Format

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The conference website offers a  talk submission interface on where the speakers will be asked to provide the following informations

  • speaker name
  • speaker institution's name
  • speaker institution's country
  • co-author 1 name if any, with its institution
  • co-author 2 name if any, with its institution
  • other co-authors can be added with the same format however they shall not appear in the short presentation of the talk but will be appended in the long presentation of the talk of the book of abstracts.
  • talk title
  • abstract
  • stream to which the author submits
  • prefered talk format: 20 minutes or 30 minutes

The talk submission process permits the speaker to correct the form according to the feedback they received from the scientific committee up to final acknownledgment: the speaker will receive via email an unique URL to come back to their form for corrections;  once the submission is validated, however, the form will turn in read-only mode.


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The conference website offers a platform to support the work of the referees. The ouput of the work of the scientific committee is a list of sessions and a list of mini-symposia. The platform offers the following services with access restricted to the stream scientific committee:

  • A session submission interface to provide the following informations:
    • The stream of attachemnt (pre-filled to the stream of the scientific committee member)
    • A flag to say whether this is an invited session: yes/no
    • A flag to indicate the expected attrativity of the session: standard/high/prime
    • A flag to indicate the requested room size: small/medium/large
    • A chair person name (which is typically one of the organizers for a initived session, or the last speaker for contributed sessions)
    • A number of talks: 2, 3 or 4
    • The talk format: 20 minute or 30 minute talks
    • First talk selected from a scrolling menu of submitted talks to the stream (sorted by speaker last-name)
    • Second talk selected from a menu of submitted talks to the stream
    • Third talk (if any) selected from a menu of submitted talks to the stream
    • Fourth talk (if any) selected from a menu of submitted talks to the stream
    • A secondary stream to which this session shall be of interest (if any) selected from a menu of streams.
    • A third stream to which this session shall be of interest (if any) selected from a menu of streams.


  • A mini-symposiun submission interface to provide the following informations:
    • The stream of attachemnt (pre-filled to the stream of the scientific committee member)
    • A flag to say whether this is an invited session: yes/no
    • A flag to indicate the expected attrativity of the session: standard/high/prime
    • A flag to indicate the requested room size: small/medium/large
    • An organizer name
    • A format of the sessions : 3x30 minute talks, or 4x30 minute talks, or 4X20 minute talks
    • First session selected from a menu of sessions of  the stream
    • Second  session selected from a menu of sessions of  the stream
    • ...
    • A secondary stream to which this session shall be of interest (if any) selected from a menu of streams.
    • A third stream to which this session shall be of interest (if any) selected from a menu of streams.


  • A talk management interface
    • All the talks of a stream listed with their status (pending, in process, validated, canceled), with optional detail access to all the fields of a talk format
    • The option of changing the stream of attachement of the talk, to transfer the submission to another stream.
    • The option of fixing the format of the talk: 20 minute or 30 minute talk
    • A flag to amend the status of the talf from pendng to "to review" of "accepted"
    • A frame for private comments with access restricted to the scientific committee only
    • A frame for comments made to the speaker to advise him/her how of to improve the submission.


  • A speaker/chair management interface
    • A list with all the speakers who have a talk in the stream; note that a speaker can only submit one talk and therefore appears in one stream only.  One can ban a speaker (to avoid spamming)
    • A list of all the chair persons who have a session in the stream 
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