Program > Business Meetings
Business meetings:
- Meeting of the MPC editorial board (Monday July 2 at lunch time, salle Arnozan, building Q on the ground floor)
- MOS council meeting (Monday, July 2 at 6:30 pm, salle Arnozan, building Q on the ground floor)
- Meeting of the MPA/B editorial boards (Tuesday July 3 at lunch time, salle Arnozan, building Q on the ground floor)
- MOS business meeting (Tuesday, July 3 at 5:00 pm, Amphi Broca)
- Optimization discussion group (sponsor: INFORMS Optimization Society - Tuesday, July at 6:30 pm, Amphi Deniges, building C, on the ground floor)
- Meeting of MOS with Springer (Wednesday at lunch time, salle Arnozan, building Q on the ground floor)
- SIOPT board meeting (Thursday at lunch time, salle Arnozan, building Q on the ground floor)