
Committees > Student Staff

A student brigade of volunteers is being recruited to inform and to help the conference attendees during the week, as well as to give a hand to the volunteers of the local organization. They will be easily recognizable in their conference T-Shirts. They are the first point of call for any question of the attendees on the conference organization.

Their role is 

  • to inform attendees on all the details of the conference program 
  • to provide directions to the different locations of our happenings
  • to assume technical support for the video projections
  • to take responsability for the water and coffee supply in free access points all along the conference
  • to participate to the setting up of the coffee breaks and the exhibitors stands

To qualify for the job you need 

  1. to be an enthousisatic and well organized person, keen to take part into  collaborative work within a brigade;
  2. to be bilingual English/French (with great fluency in both languages) and to have a cell phone with open communications in France;
  3. to be at ease with technical issues for setting up video projectionsand andto be prepared to help for logistic matters such as setting up coffee breaks, or replenishing water supply, and to provide directions (by being ackainted with the program and the locations in the city of Bordeaux)
  4. to be a student in an undergraduate or a graduate progam (including PhD) related to mathematical optimization.
  5. to be in Bordeaux from Sunday July 1 in the morning for an organization meeting and to stay until the evening of Friday July 6.

The student of the brigade are the organization committee's guests: for them, no registration fee, invitation to all social events, sandwiches are provided at lunch time, and free accomodaton is available (the organization has booked 40 studios for them from Saturday June 30 to Satruday July 7 at Teneo close to Victoire). They are also eligible to travel support (covering of their train fare in France if need be).

To apply for this role, please contact

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